Monday 29 August 2011

Kelsey's II

And so, after a rough work week -- my work week is Wednesday -- Monday -- i staggered into Kelsey's at around 3:30 on Monday afternoon, looking for a friendly face and sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name (and they're always glad you came).

Now, you have to remember:  Kelsey's is a really expensive spot.  My beer (to which i am devoted) costs about $1.25 more there, than it does anywhere else in town.  But that's okay, if i just wanted to drink economically, i'd drink at home, or brew my own, or drink chrome cleaner or something.  No, i go there because (as i may have mentioned) i like the people who work there.

Werrlll... it was a bit of a disappointment, as the barmaid was someone i'd never seen before.  She was very good, but not a familiar face. It was all right.  It was fine, i just sat there and read my book ("Mortal Causes" by Ian Rankin, if you must know), but i'd been hoping to see some of my favourites, Nicole, Ashley & Maggie.

And just as i was leaving (after my customary two pints) ... Nicole, Ashley & Maggie arrived for the evening shift

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