Oh, hi....
No my head hardly hurt at all when i woke up this morning. Mind you, when i woke up at 1:30 to go to the toilet i thought i was gonna die, but this morning i was fine....
And i didn't watch any of my usual Christmas films last night. I was going to watch "The Adventures Of Robin Hood" (the Errol Flynn / Olivia de Havilland version) but when i dug out the DVD i realised that i had never seen any of the special features on disc 2... And so i watched a one-hour documentary on the history of Technicolor as i ate my turkey, peas, smashed potatoes, and cherry crumble with ice cream....
I shall explore more of disc 2 tonight....
Today: i was planning to hit the massive Boxing Day sale at Staples this morning, but there was a heavy weather warning in effect. Well, it's still in effect but so far nothing's happened, and i took the risk and wandered up there. I am now the proud owner of a brand-new DVD burner.
Too bad DVD burners weren't on sale. I also bought a 2 GB thumb drive and finally have backed up all of my photos of Carmela (that's her there -- cute, eh?) (not as cute as Jill 'n' Jen, obviously).... $150 later