What have Ozzy Osbourne and Slash in common?
Well, they're both nut cases, for one, but beyond that they both have new singles out. Ozzy's is "Let Me Hear You Scream," and Slash's is "By The Sword." Both are in heavy rotation on my radio station (www.therock.fm)
Let's compare them.
Ozzy's comes from the kitchen-sink school of production: throw everything in, add a ridiculous (but fast!) guitar solo, and sell a million copies to deluded listeners who think that fast = good.
I wish i were a better journalist, and then i could better explain why Slash's record is so much better. He has complete mastery of his instrument, the vocal (by Andrew Stockdale) is full of subtleties and Slash himself doesn't try to overwhelm with semi-hemi-demi-quavers -- although he is well capable of them.
I may buy Slash's album....
Shush, me. Shush.
6 hours ago