So, after all of the hassle of two weeks ago, on Wednesday morning my e-mail client, Thunderbird, decided to stop working. I could no longer send or receive e-mail.
I awoke at my usual time (which is 4.30 a.m., kids: i lead a monkish life). I checked my overnight messages and all was well -- the usual 30+ offers of Cialis -- but at around 5 a.m. all went a-gley ("a-gley" being the Scotch word for "kerflooey"), when i tried to write a message. Nuffink happened. (Apart from an error message, "connection to SMTP server failed, check your connections and try again" or something like that.)
Huh? I tried to send again. Same error message. So i clicked on "get mail." Same error message. What the hell happened to Thunderbird between 4.30 and 5.00 on Wednesday morning?
On Wednesday evening, when i returned from my job at Justin Bieber's favourite restaurant (he loves my cooking) i spent half an hour or so playing with settings, until i was able to receive, at last! 30 + offers for Cialis, and cheaper than the last 30, woo hoo! But i was still unable to send (mope, grope).
On Thursday morning, frustrated as bejaysus, i effed around, Googled like a maniac and haphazardly played with my settings and ... eureka.
Seems that on Wednesday morning Thunderbird updated itself and reset everything. All (all?) i had to do was revert to all of my previous settings and everything was hunky-dory.
I hate that, i hate it, when something on my computer changes without my knowledge or permission. It happened yesterday, too, now that i think about it. When i returned home from The Little Shop Of Horrors, i booted up and ... my wallpaper had disappeared. I use Manet's "At The Folies Bergere," one of my favourite paintings. Oh, look, there it is there:

What i had instead was a boring blue screen (not the dreaded BCOD, i hasten to add!).
Stoopd compooters!!!!!!!!