Thursday 25 February 2021



Hi, everybody.

I'm thinking of starting a new series to bore you with, tentatively titled "Catharsis," in which i plan to bitch and moan about and occasionally exult in my day. For my own benefit, of course.

One of the worst things about getting old is that far too many old friends die. I've lost two this year already and it's only February. One's mortality zooms in like the clappers.

The most recent was Linda, one of my oldest Internet friends. We never met, although we spoke on the phone a few times. I would email Linda virtually every day -- to bitch and moan and occasionally exult -- and i found it extremely therapeutic just to type the shit. But, as Linda is no longer there for me to gripe at, you're stuck with me blogging about it.

Today, Friday, i would have emailed Linda something like this:

Damn, it's still cold and the sidewalks still haven't been properly ploughed. Walking remains difficult. It was pretty slow at work, not surprising really as we've only just come out of lockdown and people are still reluctant to come out. Stinky and Mr 30% were annoying the hell out of me all day, as usual. When i got home, it was half an hour at least before my poor li'l fingies were thawed out enough to type.

Went out for groceries later -- nothing serious, but i needed bacon for the liver-bacon-mushrooms-onions dinner i have planned for tomorrow. I could have sworn i had bacon in my freezer, but i couldn't find it, it's so jam-packed with meat. (First World problems, i know.)

Saturday: not quite so cold, but some new snow. Work was tedious.

Actually, i can't write too much about work: a memo came from head office some years ago stating that anyone posting critical or abusive comments about The Company on social media would be subject to disciplinary action. This must have happened often enough that it became a thorn in the corporate side. I guess a blog is considered social media? So i'll just say that the company i work for is the most enlightened, progressive and amazing company ever! (Too bad i work with so many idiots, like Stinky [mentioned above] [not her real name, btw, only a couple of us old-timers still know her as that] who has been making salads there for thirty five years and still doesn't seem to grasp that brown is not a good colour for lettuce....) Oh, and Mr 30% is named after the amount of effort he puts in every day.)

Anyway, tomorrow is my day off and i don't like to have to leave my apartment on Sundays, so i've been doing a bit of dashing around this afternoon so that i won't have to, and i have one more errand to run, then i'm in until Monday morning at stupid o'clock.

Damn! I meant to phone Marnie this afternoon. It's too late now. I completely understand if she wants nothing more to do with me.

Sunday: day off and i listened to The Klassics Show (obviously) and in the afternoon watched The Great Wall -- quite an exciting Matt Damon film which is like Alien set in medieval China. It also has one of the most beautiful actresses i've ever seen, Jing Tian. Oh, here she is! Ohhh, those eyes....

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